some days i feel all alone. most days, i feel like keith is all i have. it is both funny and sad to note that it is a matter of fact. keith is all i have. or is it just all me?
he is my friend, my boyfriend, my lover, my houseboy, my cook,my electrician, my adviser, my shock absorber... the list is getting longer everyday. it's frightening because it only goes to show that i,little ms.independent is fast becoming damsel in distress.
sometimes, i can't help but wonder if it is him i miss or something else. i love him... yeah... no doubt about that. but i don't think it's normal to miss someone 24/7. especially if that someone has been your boyfriend for 2 years now... today i resolve to stop spending the weekends over at his place. i know i made this vow a couple of months ago and failed miserably. the awful truth is that i don't have any place to spend the weekends in but his place. and we go back to the funny and sad piece of fact... keith is all i have.